Thursday 23 July 2015

Toilet Talk

The boys have been introduced to some new, novel ways of going to the toilet and showering. With no luxury of flushing toilets, toilet seats and power showers, there has been nothing but toilet talk.

In the village, boys have been using 'mandis'. This consists of a small room with a large tank, supplied by fresh water (not fresh enough to drink). Boys use a large cup to pour this water over themselves, in order to have a good (cold) wash. Unfortunately, from the smell of them, some of the boys are a little too afraid of the cold water and perhaps haven't been as thorough.

There is also a toilet basin sunk into the floor, for, well you can imagine what for. Toilet paper goes into a separate bin, not to be put down the drain.

In the forest, boys next met the 'trench toilet'. A large hole dug into the ground. The boys can go here, then cover it up, using a shovel to dig up the soil, and then throw over. This helps to keep smells to a 'minimum'. The trench wasn't next door to the camp, so there was a short walk to it, across 2 rivers, and navigating some obstacles. The boys quickly learnt not to drink too much water before bed...otherwise they would be having the trip below, in the pitch black, with only their head torch and some friendly moths as company. Good luck!

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